How to Finally Speak English in Interviews Without Freezing or Feeling Embarrassed


You’re in an important meeting with an international recruiter.

You know what you want to say.

The ideas are clear in your mind.

But the moment you open your mouth…

Your brain freezes. 🥶

Awkward silence fills the room. What could’ve been your chance to shine turns into a moment of doubt and lack of confidence.

Or maybe…

You applied for your dream job at a global company.

Your resume stood out.

But during the interview…

Your sentences felt broken, your confidence vanished, and you walked away thinking:

— “Preciso melhorar meu inglês…”

(What? Your mind doesn’t think in English either, does it?)

And here’s a classic one:

You can understand almost EVERYTHING you read/hear. Movies, series, podcasts, YouTube videos — no subtitles needed.

But when it’s your turn to speak, especially in professional situations, the words just don’t come out as smoothly as you want.

Deep down…

You wonder:

— “Putz, será que sou bom o suficiente pra isso?”

Wow… that sucks.

And when you go through a situation like this, it’s easy to doubt yourself and your skills.

But if any of this
sounds familiar...

Let me tell you something:

You are NOT alone.

And it’s definitely not YOUR fault.


Because most brazilian language schools teach you how to understand English.

But they fail to prepare you for real-life, high-pressure situations — like job interviews, meetings, or negotiations.

They focus on endless grammar rules and massive vocabulary lists.

But none of that helps when you’re face-to-face with a global opportunity that PAYS in dollars.

What you really need is a method that goes beyond the textbooks and makes you reeks confidence when speaking in English, even when nervousness takes over.

And let’s be honest:


If not…

You probably would’ve closed this page by now. 😉

So, you’re not starting from scratch.

You just need the right strategy to unlock your full potential.

And that’s exactly what the My Business English program was designed to do.

Introducing the...

My Business English

Imagine this…

That’s exactly what the “My Business English” program will help you achieve.

When you join…

Here’s exactly what you’ll get:

And remember…

You’re completely covered by our 7-Day Money Back Guarantee​

Join today…

Explore the course materials…

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And experience the support of our private community.

Take the time to see how the program works for you and how it can transform the way you communicate in English.

If, within 7 days, you don’t feel more confident or see progress in your communication skills, simply reach out, and we’ll give you a full refund — no questions asked.

This way, you can focus on your growth without any pressure, knowing that your investment is fully protected.


Understanding English is not the same as speaking it confidently.

Think about this:

Can you express yourself clearly and naturally in high-pressure situations, like a job interview or a meeting with international colleagues?

This program isn’t about teaching you basic grammar or vocabulary—it’s about helping you perform when it matters most.

We’ll work together to build your confidence so you can speak under pressure and make a lasting impression.

We get it.

Your schedule is already packed.

That’s why this program is designed to fit into your life, not the other way around.

The recorded course allows you to learn at your own pace, whenever it’s convenient for you.

And the live calls are short and TREMENDOUSLY FOCUSED ON PRACTICAL TRAINING, not theory.

Even with just a couple of hours a week, I guarantee that you’ll see real progress.

This program is built on proven methods, but we understand it can feel risky to invest in something new.

That’s why we offer a 7-day satisfaction guarantee.

You’ll have an entire week to test the program, explore the content, and even join a live call to see how it works. If you don’t feel more confident and prepared after trying it, we’ll refund your money — no questions asked.

It’s a no-risk way to invest in yourself and your future.

Let’s reframe this:

Think of it as an investment, not a cost.

For just 12x little installments of R$50.05, this program could open doors to new career opportunities, higher salaries, and more confidence in your professional life. The return on investment could easily be 10x or more. If you gain just one new opportunity or job because of this program, it will pay for itself many times over.

If you’ve made it this far, reading and understanding this page, you already know English.

The issue isn’t your level — it’s your confidence when speaking, especially in professional situations.

That’s exactly what this program is designed to fix.

You don’t need to start from scratch; you just need to unlock the potential you already have.

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